יום רביעי, 13 בנובמבר 2013

How to setup Assembly environment


Getting started
Download the Irvine’s example program folder:
(I have Visual Studio 2010 so I chose:
Extract it to: c:\Irvine

Creating new project
Copy c:\Irvine\Examples\Project_Sample folder to a new location and open the *.sln file and work on it.

Debugging Tips
In assembly language running debugging mode with registers flags and memory can help you.
First, make sure you are in debug mode.
Put brake point in one of your code lines or press F10 and then the registers option will be available.

Go to Debug >  Windows > Registers:

You will receive the registers window:

Press right click on the Registers window and check the Flags:

And you will receive the flags (marked):

For more information you can visit Irvine website: http://www.asmirvine.com/

יום רביעי, 6 בנובמבר 2013

How to check who is currently logged on to windows workstation from command line

Sometimes we want to know who is the logged on user on some windows station.
A simple way to check it is to use wmic command:
Will return the username currently logged into xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
 will return the username currently logged into "workstation_name"

Open command line: Start > type "cmd" (without quotes) and press enter.
Type the WMIC commands I wrote above, you should receive something like this: